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Writer's pictureGeorge E Ohh

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Well it's that time of year again, so no new review today. What we will however do is give you the rundown of the current top-scoring games according to the Diary of a Lincoln Geek crew.

Sneaking in at number five... Fury of Dracula

While I may have been playing the dead-tree format for a while both with the wife and with various friends, it was none-the-less a privilege to be asked to review the beta release of the digital edition of this game as produced by Nomad Games.

Sneaking all over Europe, Fury of Dracula is a great example of a hidden movement, many vs one game.

It's a long play-time but is always great fun and everyone loves to beat up vampires, right?

Flying in at fourth... Wingspan

I'd heard so many good things about this game from so many places it would take too long to list them all. But it's clear to say there is a lot of love for this game around the community... such a shame that getting a copy was so hard.

Yeah getting a copy was so hard so I 'resorted' to getting a digital version on Steam. I've played it lots, both with my wife locally and online with some of the other DoaLG crew and it's safe to say it's a great game. So much the word Nerd broke her vow of silence from the editing room to write the review for this amazing game.

I understand why some people dislike the game but overall it's done so well that I just fell in love with this game and it's certainly got a soft spot in my heart.

A toast to... Battlestar Galactica for a worthy third

Much to the delight of the other founder Dan Leaky, Battlestar Galactica the board game has made it to number three in our listings. It's been a popular game with him and Mr Chris where it has been played many a time with the Cylons Anonymous gaming group.

I'd heard many a story of this game (I think argument might be a better description with the number of toaster slurs being thrown around) so was super excited when we found the magical group size of five to try it where our Word Nerd was unfortunate enough to be a second phase sole Cylon on her first play. Even so, it was tense throughout and is still a memorable games evening despite having only played it once.

Keep a close eye on Mr Leaky as his review of this tense hidden traitor game will be coming in when his mini-toaster allows him time to do so.

Flaming good at number two... Flashpoint Fire Rescue

Flashpoint tickled our fancy when we saw a playthrough on Wil Wheaton's YouTube show TableTop.

Having got the game for ourselves now we don't regret our purchase at all, with several dozen playthroughs as two-player and with several groups of friends, it offers great replayability and is a great example of a co-operative game at it's best.

Maybe if I'm lucky some of the expansions will be sat under the Christmas tree so we can play in different building blueprints and brand new roles to help give it a boost to maybe hit the number one spot in the future (not likely but you'll see why...)

And the number one spot goes to... Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy

I loved the first edition of this game ever since the first time I played it with the DoaLG crew back in the day, something that I think Mr Chis knew all too well given the number of times I asked to borrow his copy of the game.

I missed the Kickstarter for the second edition but bought it directly from the publisher at full retail (including a large delivery fee) as soon as I could just because I love it so, much. Yes it's expensive and yes it is a big box game that takes a while to play but we all love it every time we play no matter how well it goes or not.

Merry Christmas everyone, do you like our top five, or was your favourite missing? Comment below and let us know what you think!

Your friendly DoaLG rules lawyer

George E Ohh

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